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1.26 (2024/06/27)

  • add link text to overlay slider item (Pro)
  • add image to overlay element (Pro)
  • add YOOEssentials form password field (Pro)
  • fix view details popup

1.24 (2024/02/22)

  • add Custom folder (use to override json or add custom support element) (Pro)
  • rebuild cookie translation panel (Pro)
  • rebuild site translation panel (Pro)

1.23 (2024/01/17)

  • add Table head translation (title, content, meta, image, link) (Pro)

1.22 (2024/01/04)

  • fix javascript error with YooEssential installed and Ajax in Front-end Settings not enabled. (Pro)

1.21 (2023/12/04)

  • add link text to accordion item (Pro)
  • add link text to HD Timeline item(Pro)
  • Compatible Wordpress 6.4

1.20 (2023/10/27)

  • add support for Newsletter element (Pro)

1.19 (2023/10/04)

  • add yooessentials number field (Pro)
  • add yooessentials URL field (Pro)
  • update popover element add image translation (Pro)

1.18 (2023/09/20)

  • add yooessentials form range (Zoo Essential)
  • update yooessentials form text field error message

1.17 (2023/08/23)

  • fix notice on menu subtitle (no label)
  • fix flart load more element
  • Compatible Wordpress 6.3

1.16 (2023/07/07)

  • add cf simple form support (Cloudfood) 4

1.15 (2023/05/30)

  • compatible with Yootheme Pro 4
  • add grid manual order (Pro)

1.14 (2023/05/15)

  • add site logo text and logo image translation (Pro)
  • add breadcrumbs home translation (Pro)
  • add menu subtitle translation (Pro)

1.13 (2023/04/03)

  • add Widget support (module)
  • WordPress 6.2 compatible

1.12 (2023/03/06)

  • add HD Counter (Forrestkirby)
  • add HD Flipcard (Forrestkirby)
  • add HD Progress (Forrestkirby)
  • add HD TimeLine (Forrestkirby)

1.11 (2023/02/10)

  • add registered domain

1.10 (2023/01/13)

  • add support for yooessentials action translation

1.9 (2023/01/05)

  • add jce modal pro support
  • add yooessential form select support
  • update panel-slider_item add link_text

1.8 (2022/10/21)

  • update existing flart elements (thanks to Anatoliy Kulbabskyy)
  • add flart grid pro
  • fix notice in case of change of elements (see on flart Grid Pro) (done in lite version 1.3)

1.7 (2022/07/21)

  • fix update error
  • fix wc add to card dynamic link in grid item
  • WordPress 6.0