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- Falang for Elementor
- Changelog
Pro version
1.24 (2024/08/23)
- add MegaMenu (Pro)
- add Icon List (UICore)
- add Highlighted Text (UICore)
- add Advanced Heading (Element pack pro BdThemes)
- add Animated Link (Element pack pro BdThemes)
- Compatible WordPress 6.6
1.23 (2024/05/28)
- add posts list support
- fix view details popup
= 1.22 (2024/05/20)* Compatible WordPress 6.5* add Card (Happy)*add Conctact Form 7 (Happy)* add Creative Button (Happy)
* add Fun Factor (Happy)
* add Info Box (Happy)
* add Number (Happy)= 1.21 (2024/03/27)* add Translate for text-editor with services (Google/Azure/Lingvanex)= 1.20 (2024/02/23)* fix waring due to typo error* add Counter (ThemesFlat)* add List (ThemesFlat)* add Nav Menu (ThemesFlat)* add Progress Bar (ThemesFlat)* add Services (ThemesFlat)* add Team (ThemesFlat)* add Testimonial Caroussel (ThemesFlat)* add Testimonial Caroussel Type Group (ThemesFlat)* add Accordion (ThemesFlat)* add Image Box (ThemesFlat)* add Tabs (ThemesFlat)= 1.19 (2024/02/01)* add custom folder (use to add or override widget definition)* add Title section (ThemesFlat)* add Icon Box (ThemeFlat)= 1.18 (2024/01/05)* add Advance Header (Cozy)* add Author Box (Cozy)* add Call to Action (Cozy)* add Flip Box (Cozy)* add Advanced Heading (OceanWP)* add Alert (OceanWP)* add Animated Heading (OceanWP)* add Banner (OceanWP)* add Button-effects (OceanWP)* add Buttons (OceanWP)= 1.17 (2023/07/07)* fix Testiomonial (Nexgen)* add post navigation widget (Pro)* add author to blockquote widget (Pro)= 1.16 (2023/07/04)* add Blockquote (Elementor Pro)* add Banner (Nexgen)* add Butoon (Nexgen)* add Card (Nexgen)* add Counter (Nexgen)* add Couter circle (Nexgen)* add Dual heading (Nexgen)* add Form (Nexgen)* add Icon list (Nexgen)* add Logo carousel (Nexgen)* add Paragraph (Nexgen)* add Person (Nexgen)* add Portfolio grid (Nexgen)* add Post grid (Nexgen)* add Pre title (Nexgen)* add Pricing (Nexgen)* add Process (Nexgen)* add Slider (Nexgen)* add Testiomonial (Nexgen)* add Testimonial carousel (Nexgen)* add Video (Nexgen)= 1.15 (2023/06/20)* add Contact Form 7 (Qi addons)* add animated headline (Elementor Pro)* add call to action (Elementor Pro)* add countdown (Elementor Pro)* add hotspot (Elementor Pro)* add login (Elementor Pro)* add media-carousel (Elementor Pro)* add price-list (Elementor Pro)* add testimonial carousel (Elementor Pro)* update form (Elementor Pro)= 1.14 (2023/03/16)* add Revolution Slider (revslider)* add Button (Seafarer)* add Custom Fonts (Seafarer)* add Conctact Form7 (Seafarer)* add Icon With Text (Seafarer)* add Numbered Text (Seafarer)* add Pricing Table (Seafarer)* add Progress Bar (Seafarer)* add Testimonials List (Seafarer)* add Tour Reservation List (Seafarer)* add Video Button (Seafarer)* add Custom ID on Advanced Accordion (Essentials Addons)= 1.13 (2023/02/27)* add Advanced Accordion (Essentials Addons)* add Info Box (Essentials Addons)* add Fancy Text (Essentials Addons)* add Accordion (TheGem)* add Button (TheGem)* add Textbox (TheGem)* add Seafarer template support (Seafarer core)* add Section title (Seafarer)= 1.12 (2023/02/14)* add wpforms widget* update Elementor compatibily tags= 1.11 (2023/02/10)* add slides (pro) widget* add registered domain= 1.10 (2023/02/08)* add form button and form options support* compatible with WordPress 6.1* add Elementor compatibily tags* add link to image widget= 1.9 (27/09/2022)* add support Advanced Tab (Essential Addons for Elementor Lite)* add flipbox (Elementor Pro)= 1.8 (27/07/2022)* add support for global widget translation= 1.7 (05/07/2022)* WordPress 6.0 support* add divider support* add sina title support* add sina pricing* add sina fancy text* add sina dynamic button* fix update message= 1.6 (22/04/2022) =* add Sina Banner Slider elements= 1.5 (11/03/2022) =* new lite/pro version* WordPress 5.9 support= 1.4 (13/12/2021) =* WordPress 5.8 support* add icon box for Elemtor Free* add Forms Elements for Elementor Pro version* add Slider for Angel theme* add Section title for Angel theme* add Button for Angel theme= 1.3 (30/09/2021) =* WordPress 5.8 support* add Ultimate Addon for elementor support* add fancy heading* add table (content)* add Element Addon Elementor support* add eae timeline widget* add xtemos promo banner= 1.2 (27/04/2021) =* WordPress 5.7 support* change format of widget support* fix text-editor widget translation* add Xtemos widget support= 1.1 (06/11/2020) =* Add flag to repeatable item* Add alert* Add counter* Add google-maps* Add html* Add icon* Add image* Add image Box* Add progress* Add readmore* Add shortcode* Add star rating* Add tabs* Add toogle
Lite Version
= 1.22 (2024/05/20) =
* compatible WordPress 6.5
* add pro support list for Happy Addon's
= 1.21 (2024/03/27) =
* add Translate button on text-editor
= 1.20 (2024/02/29) =
* fix deprecated php 8.2
* add pro support List Themesflat Addon's
= 1.19 (2024/01/29) =
* fix option link on url.
* add pro support list Oceanwp (Oceanwp theme)
* add pro support List Cozy Essential Addon's
= 1.18 (2024/01/04) =
* fiw warning when section label not exist (front)
* check edit mode to display free message
= 1.17 (2023/12/04) =
* fix notice Elementor 3.18
* Wordpress 6.4 compatible
= 1.16 (2023/08/22) =
* fix warning when label is not set
* fix PowerPack Pro for Elementor translation (Wrapper link and Custom Cursor)
* Wordpress 6.3 compatible
= 1.15 (2023/07/11) =
* update pro support list Elementor Pro Addons (Blockquote, navigation widget )
* update pro support list Nexgen (Nexgen all addons)
* update Elementor tested up to last version
= 1.14 (2023/06/20) =
* fix support with Essential Addons for Elementor and the Wrapper Link (translation no more displayed)
* update pro support list Elementor Pro Addons (animated-headline, call to action, countdown, hotspot, login,
* media-carousel, price-list,testimonial-carousel)
= 1.13 (2023/06/06) =
* fix bug on image widget translation
* update Elementor tested up to last version
= 1.12 (2023/02/27) =
* update pro support list Essentials Addons
* update pro support list seafarer core (QI addons)
* update pro support TheGem (TheGem template/widgets)
= 1.11 (2023/02/14) =
* update pro support list slides
* update pro support list wpforms
* add options in backend translation (use for wpforms select)
= 1.10 (2023/02/08) =
* support bdthemes-element-pack-lite (content was not translated)
= 1.9 (2023/01/24) =
* display message on each supported widget in Falang for Elementor Pro
* Elementor tested up to: 3.10.1
* Elementor Pro tested up to: 3.10.2
= 1.8 (2022/11/15) =
* add content display filtering for Elementor posts (post/page/product/cpt...)
* compatible with WordPress 6.1
* add Elementor compatibily tags
= 1.7 (2022/10/28) =
* fix lastudio/lastudio-element-kit wrapper link (content not translated)
= 1.6 (2022/09/26) =
* fix happy-elementor-addons wrapper link (content not translated)
= 1.6 (2022/09/26)
* fix happy-elementor-addons wrapper link (content not translated)
= 1.5 (2022/07/04)
- remove notice on admin-notices
- change before_render filter priority to 9 (fix for Piotnet Addons For Elementor Pro)
* compatible with WordPress 6.0
= 1.4 (2022/04/22) =
- new json format to support array of sections
- Pro - support for Sina extension for Elementor ( Banner Slider)
= 1.3 (2022/03/11) =
- new lite pro version
- remove icon-list (lite version)
- remove testimonial (lite version)
= 1.2 (2021/04/27) =
* WordPress 5.7 support
* change format of widget support
* fix text-editor widget translation
* fix banner size retina
= 1.1 (2020/10/28) =
* Add assets