The latest Falang for Elementor Pro version is: 1.31 (2025/01/31)
The Falang for Elementor plugin makes your Elementor page translation simpler. You need to have your site working with the Falang system for translation.
You don't have to duplicate the page anymore to translate it, just translate only what is necessary. It's easier to maintain and all parameters are the same for all languages.
Note : This extension exists in 2 versions: one free with only a small number of widgets, to test it in real live conditions, and a full version with all supported widgets.
Supported Modules
Other widgets can be done on demand
- Accordion
- Button
- Heading
- Text-Editor
- Alert
- Counter
- Divider
- Google Maps
- Icon
- Icon-box
- Icon-list
- Image
- Image-box
- Mega Menu
- Nested Accordion
- Nested Tabs
- Progress
- Read-more
- Slides
- Shortcode
- Star rating
- Tabs
- Testimonial
- Toggle
- Animated Headline (Elementor Pro)
- Blockquote (Elementor Pro)
- Call to Action (Elementor Pro)
- CountDown (Elementor Pro)
- HotSpot (Elementor Pro)
- Login (Elementor Pro)
- Media arousel (Elementor Pro)
- Price list (Elementor Pro)
- Testomonial carousel (Elementor Pro)
- Form (Elementor Pro)
- Woocommerce Add to Cart (Elementor Pro)
- Woocommerce Cart(Elementor Pro)
- Woocommerce Checkout page(Elementor Pro)
- Woocommerce My Account(Elementor Pro)
- Title
- Pricing
- Fancy text
- Dynamic button
Angel Theme
- Slider
- Section Title
- Button
Ultimate Addon's
- Fancy heading
- Table
Essentials Addons
- Advanced Accordion
- Advanced Tab
- Info Box
- Fancy Text
- Banner
- Butoon
- Card
- Counter
- Couter circle
- Dual heading
- Form
- Icon list
- Logo carousel
- Paragraph
- Person
- Portfolio grid
- Post grid
- Pre title
- Pricing
- Process
- Slider
- Testiomonial
- Testimonial carousel
- Video
- Section Title
- Button
- Custom Fonts
- Conctact Form7
- Icon With Text
- Numbered Text
- Pricing Table
- Progress Bar
- Testimonials List
- Tour Reservation List
- Video Button
Revolution Slider
- Revolution Slider
- Contact Form 7
- Accordion
- Button
- Textbox
- Advance Header
- Author Box
- Call to Action
- Flip Box
- Advanced Heading
- Alert
- Animated Heading
- Banner
- Button-effects
- Buttons
- Flip Box
- Counter
- List
- Nav Menu
- Progress Bar
- Services
- Team
- Testimonial Caroussel
- Testimonial Caroussel Type Group
- Title section
- Accordion
- Icon Box
- Image Box
- Tabs
- add Card
- add Conctact Form 7
- add Creative Button
- add Fun Factor
- add Info Box
- add Number
- Icon List
- Highlighted Text
Element pack pro
- Accordion
- Advanced Heading
- Age Gate
- Animated Link
- Business hours
- Call-Out
- Cookie Consent
- Contact Form
- Countdown
- Dual Button
- Static carousel
Gurus Themes
- BR Counter
- BR Heading
- BR Icon Box Carousel
- BR Slider 1
- BR Testimonial Carousel
- BR Text Editor
Royal Elementor
- Post Text Editor
- Countdown
- Posts/Story Timeline
- Post Grid/Slider/Carousel
Emphires Themes
- Heading
- Icon Heading
Other module can be done , just send a mail for that.