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How to translate Sp Page Builder Addon's 

This tutorial will show you how to Translate the addon's supported by the plugin Translate for SP Page Builder
The plugin is supposed to be installed and Published

There are 2 types of addon's the simple addon's (Heading , Text Block,.... )and repeatable addon's like (Accordion, Button group, Testimorial Pro)

In the sample below with have a site with 3 languages English , French , German and the English language is the default one.

Simple Addon

A new tab is added in the second position for SP Page Builder 3, this allow you to translate secondary language French and German

Translate Simple Addon

The Headin addon's support only title translation, you can see it below , with Language tag after the title

Translate Simple Addon

Repeatable Addon's

Repeatable addon's like accordeon must be translated in each item , in this exemple below title and content are translatable for each item
Some addon's don't have field to translate in the language tab , only on items

Translate Simple Addon