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cURL failed. Error: The requested URL returned error: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

1.9(Pro version) (2023/12/20)

  • Remove php 8.2 deprecated
  • Compatible Wordpress 6.4

1.8 (Pro version) (2023/09/01)

  • Fix WooCommerce String Translation
  • Add MEC excerpt translation (Modern Event Calendar)

1.7 (Pro version) (2023/06/27)

  • add WooCommerce email translation support
  • fix visite plugin link

1.6 (Pro version) (2023/03/14)

  • add Shortcoder translation support (free version allow the filter by language support)

1.5 (Pro version) (2023/02/10)

  • add registered domain

1.4 (Pro version) (2023/02/02)

  • add YITH WooCommerce Compare support
  • add WC Product addons support
  • add CookieYes support

1.3.35 (Lite version) (2023/02/02)

  • fix term meta translation notice
  • fix language widget notice on creation
  • allow term meta array translation (serialized data)
  • add falang_default_language api (like polylang pll_default_language)
  • fix theme editor save

1.3.28 (27/06/2022)

  • WC: add product title translation when $product->get_title() is used
  • fix string translation containing >
  • fix esc_textarea missing (backend)
  • fix License tab name

1.3.27 (31/05/2022)

  • WordPress 6.0 compatible
  • change flatsome detection for extra filter
  • fix wc category description (regression due to flatsome support)
  • add filter for translate_post_content (readmore fix)
  • fix for Yoast
  • add filter falang_translate_post_content (use for readmore)
  • remove permastruct for wpbingo footer
  • add a message with the auto dectect language

1.3.26 (06/04/2022)

  • fix uninstall bug when data removed
  • add Flatsome support (portfolio link with category fix)
  • add Flatsome quickview support (new $ajax_action_list for falang public call)
  • fix bug translate meta (modern event calendar support)
  • add filter falang_get_translated_url (user demand)
  • add positioning for falangsw (falang switcher shortcode)
  • fix woocommerce translation (flatsome ajax query)
  • add filter falang_translate_custom_post_link (flatsome support)

1.3.25 (08/03/2022)

  • fix bug on cart-checkout link.
  • fix admin message display
  • fix notice on translate post type archive link

1.3.24 (21/02/2022)

  • fix admin notices
  • add associaton system
  • add support for language switcher association on page
  • fix wc ajax (cart-checkout link on front-end)
  • add filter for translate_nav_menu_item (use for yootheme / display title without the_filter title for custom menu item)
  • improve support of RankMath for sitemap. (url filtering/url translation)
  • add update pro notice
  • add licence tab in settings
  • load jquery tiptip only on falang settings page
  • fix bug on falang options saving

1.3.23 (26/01/2022)

  • new admin notice system
  • WordPress 5.9 compatible
  • update lingvanex language code
  • Fix translation page (hide title, slug, content, excerpt when not enabled for translation)
  • fix cpt rule generation notice

1.3.22 (03/01/2022)

  • fix notice on dropdown language list
  • add falangsw shortcode to add language switcher by shortcode
  • display_names option rename to display_name (both exist)
  • fix meta translation bug
  • change Taxonomy constructor signature
  • php8 compatible


  • fix attachment translation filter
  • improve translation post page
  • improve translation menu page

1.3.16 (23/07/2021)

  • fix WordPress 5.8 widget page error
  • add custom notices for other Falang product

1.3.15 (21/07/2021)

  • support WordPress 5.8
  • fix product not translated in WooCommerce cart
  • fix product not translated in WooCommerce thankyou page
  • Falang post/menu to display only items with status published/pending/draft/future/private
  • add support for YOOtheme template translation
  • fix yoast notice front $data['@type'] is no more an array

1.3.14 (15/06/2021)

  • fix bug with Divi due to wpml-config string loading.
  • fix paged page rules

1.3.13 (08/06/2021)

  • fix auto detect language (needs to have show slug for main language)
  • change string translation system
  • fix clean string
  • remove falang options on uninstall (falang_wpml_strings,falang_dismissed_notices)
  • fix url with double language prefix (ex widget sorting from savoy theme) thanks jurij_c

1.3.12 (08/05/2021)

  • support wc shop base with category
  • improve string translation search and navigation
  • allow special characters in cpt url
  • fix height for options/string thickbox
  • change French translation

1.3.11 (22/04/2021)

  • fix menu translation
  • change translate the_title signature for filter not passing the id
  • string translation popup can be resized.
  • fix bug for widget with empty title string

1.3.10 (06/04/2021)

  • improve menu page list
  • fix comment redirection
  • store locale of the comment in comment meta table (for future use)
  • language switcher redirect to home When a post/page is restricted to one language
  • fix ajax delete item (menu/term/post/options)
  • fix edit menu (custom menu saving)
  • improve string translation cache performance (thanks jurij_c)

1.3.9 (23/03/2021)

  • improve options translation page
  • add ordering system on Languages
  • fix Ukrainian language code
  • add Swahili language

1.3.8 (16/02/2021)

  • Add attachment translation directly in media popup
  • Add search on translated language
  • Add Rank math suport
  • Add Yoast Seo Filter (for new Yoast vesrion 1.5)
  • fix woocommerce save settings making 404
  • change the_content priority from 9 to 8 for display work type plugin working

1.3.7 (20/01/2021)

  • add hreflang support
  • fix term link translation (fix category language switcher)
  • fix bug on firefox on save option
  • fix published on categorie/tag translation pages

1.3.6 (04/01/2021)

  • add image caption translation
  • support WordPress 5.6
  • add widget page filtering for page set with a specific language
  • add Mexican language for all translation service
  • add French Canadian for Azure service
  • change yandex to the new cloud service (curl method/ajax don't work)
  • change deprecated js function.
  • fix language code for bing translate service
  • add support for Multi-column Tag Map (fix the_title filter)
  • fix bug when en_US removed with en_GB added (no more possible to activate)

1.3.5 (02/12/2020)

  • add bing translation sysem
  • add lingvanex translation system
  • fix p tag in classic editor on falang page
  • fix rewrite rules for Post page (page_for_posts)
  • change alt on image flags display only name

1.3.4 (02/11/2020)

  • change published/unpublished toggle
  • add user profile Biographical Info translation (for authorboxes)
  • fix HTML attributes in title and meta input display
  • fix HTML closing tag in WooCommerce attributes translation
  • fix parent construct in Admin filter

1.3.3 (07/10/2020)

  • fixed language restricted visibility in blog overview
  • fix wpautop to not add p and br tags in editor text view
  • fix post translation page filter values during navigation and editing
  • language page set locale to readonly
  • fix woocommerce variation displayed even when not published
  • empty translation fields or meta are not saved anymore (key removed when empty strlen > 0)
  • fix get_meta when post/term unpublished
  • fix display error message on language add/update
  • add [save & close] to post translation page, [save] doesn't close the page
  • fix elemetor preview when default slug is in url.
  • fix has_archive notice
  • fix redirect when page/post not published

1.3.2 (02/09/2020)

  • Add WPML-config support
  • Fix language switcher in all menu positions (Enfold)
  • Fix post excerpts translation (Enfold)
  • Fix translation menu entries (Enfold)
  • Fix translation post titles (Enfold)
  • Fix heading titles in browser tabs
  • Fix cookie notice translation (GDPR Cookie Consent)
  • Change WooCommerce filter in a Filter class
  • Fix WooCommerce product variation description translation
  • Fix Falang Settings tabs (WordPress 5.5 / PHP 7.4)
  • Fix String translation
  • Fix French translation
  • Fix permalinks on deactivation

1.3.1 (30/07/2020)

  • add language switcher in menu
  • add filter for enfold excerpt (post grid)
  • add shortcode falang (lang="en_US")
  • fix head title tag translation
  • fix attribute for woocommerce
  • fix pot falang file
  • language corrections & Capitalization (thanks Rob de Cleen)
  • fix home url for different home page by languages
  • add help page

1.3.0 (29/06/2020)

  • add display category and tag translation in wp admin
  • nav_menu_item is set translatable by default on install
  • post_tag is set translatable by default on install
  • woocommerce reformat attribute page translation
  • woocommerce display atribute translation in table
  • atachement is translatable
  • change term translation page display
  • change menu translation page display
  • change posts/.... translation page display
  • taxonomy can be saved even if not enabled in settings
  • fix bug on woocommerce endpoint translation
  • fix warning message on save settings

1.2.3 (05/06/2020)

  • add display category and tag translation in wp admin
  • nav_menu_item is set translatable by default on install
  • post_tag is set translatable by default on install
  • woocommerce reformat attribute page translation
  • woocommerce display atribute translation in table
  • atachement is translatable
  • change term translation page display
  • change menu translation page display
  • change posts/.... translation page display
  • taxonomy can be saved even if not enabled in settings
  • fix bug on woocommerce endpoint translation
  • fix warning message on save settings

1.2.3 (05/06/2020)

  • fix short description display
  • fix preview url in post/product
  • fix excerpt translation problem
  • add debug display for post
  • fix language list target on post page

1.2.2 (02/06/2020)

  • add woocommerce short description support
  • post_excerpt translation changed to textarea

1.2.1 (01/06/2020)

  • add Divi support.
  • add woocommerce attributes support
  • fix post_name save now sanitized
  • fix rewrite_rules problem
  • fix update settings warning

1.2 (12/05/2020)

  • add print_language_switch action (display switcher by code in template)
  • add language image on post translation page
  • change source and target position
  • add hide source on post translation page
  • add filter by language in widget
  • add first activation notice
  • modify display in translation page

1.1 (28/04/2020)

  • add wpml compatiblity for string translation
  • add filter by string context
  • add string group filtering
  • add display string translated and not not translated
  • fix publish on post
  • fix option slash save
  • fix string delete

1.0.7 (17/04/2020)

  • improve options translation speed and memory
  • fix 404 when show_slug is on
  • fix post notice translation.
  • add page_on_front to option translation

1.0.6 (30/03/2020)

  • add ID column to the post,term,menu translation page
  • fix display problem on post/page/woocommerce product page.....
  • fix bug on page to display published status
  • fix display for block content loose paragraph marker
  • fix display on text input view in wp_editor


  • add post type filter in post translation page.


  • fix frontend warning and notice
  • fix backend translate menu display
  • fix backend translate title display
  • fix backend previous value for custom menu translation


  • fix warning on settings page
  • fix Walker Dropdown walk message argument
  • fix button display on post translation page
  • compatible with Wordpress 5.3
  • fix notice on term list translation page


  • Add Falang icon
  • Remove edit/delete row action for post with specific language
  • widget echo missing on title


  • change Author to entreprise name


  • Refactor add language page
  • use select2 to show flags in the list
  • Add confirmation message on language delete.


  • Fix bug when show slug for main language slug was set to false
  • Fix save settings translate option


  • Fix post meta translation
  • Add term filter on term translation page
  • Add display translation on term translation page
  • Add translation status on term translation page
  • Add menu filter on menu translation page
  • Add display translation on menu translation page
  • Add translation status on menu translation page


  • Fix yandex translation call for non english default language
  • Fix iso code
  • Add language flag on Header table
  • Fix posts page default language
  • Fix pages page default language
  • Add filter by post_title in posts translation page
  • Add published display in posts translation page
  • Add translation or native title display in posts translation page


  • Initial release