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The purpose of this documentation is to show where to take the data necessary to set up account in our Amazon Link.

Getting your application keys

To use Amazon integration properly, you need to have the Amazon Merchant and AMWS (merchant web services) accounts. The access details should be
saved in Account section of the Amamplace Panel.

If you don't have Amazon Merchant account, please create it by following one of the links below (depending on your country):

  • FR:
  • UK:
  • DE:
  • IT:
  • ES:
  • USA:

1 -To use Amazon MWS, you must have an Amazon MWS-eligible Seller account and you must register as an “Amazon MWS Developer” at one of the following sites:

  • DE:
  • FR:
  • UK:
  • CA:
  • US:
  • JP:

You can download the Amazon documentation to get the key here : MWS_Integrators_RegistrationProcess_UK_V1.0_R._V274895887_.pdf

amazon marketplace web service

2 - There are three options available when you sign up to use Amazon MWS. Select the following one:

  • I want to access my own Amazon seller account with MWS.

Select this option when you sign up to use Amazon MWS for your own Amazon seller account, Amazon MWS will assign a developer account identifier to you. When you make Amazon MWS requests, you'll use the developer account credentials that are associated with your developer account, plus the Merchant ID for your seller account.

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3 - On the opened registration summary page, you'll get the following details:

  • Merchant ID
  • Marketplace ID
  • Account Number
  • Access Key ID
  • Secret Access Key
amazon marketplace web service